Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Supernatural Vision

And the Lord said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever(Genesis 13:14-15).

If you want to prosper beyond your wildest imagination for the rest of the year, you must begin to visualize the extraordinary. In other words, you must have supernatural vision. God has done everything He needed to do for you to live a wonderful life. The reason some live below God's provision is their inability to see all the things God provided for them freely.

The children of Israel became fearful and hopeless after they heard the evil reports of the ten spies that there were giants in the land. Joshua and Caleb however saw differently. The Bible says, "And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it" (Numbers 13:30).

What you see is dependent on how you see. You could say, "My money is reducing fast," or you could say "I still have some money." You could say, "My brother is sick," or you could say, "My brother is recovering." The man who was healed at Bethsaida made a very striking statement before his sight was completely restored. He said he saw men as trees, walking (Mark 8:22-26). Jesus placed His hands on his eyes again and his sight was totally restored.

You might be praying earnestly for something without getting results. It's time to look up and say, "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth" (Psalms 121:1-2).

God told Abraham to get up and look beyond the horizon, because he was going to receive as far as his eyes could see (Genesis 13:14-15). Therefore, stop celebrating your problems for that'll only serve to magnify them; instead, say, "It's settled. I am walking by faith and not by sight." When you look above the problems, you activate faith in God. In that atmosphere of faith, you'll get a miracle. If you believe your help comes from heaven, begin to see it, say it and act it.

I do not look at visible things that are temporal, but I keep my eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of my faith. I walk by faith and not by sight.

Rhapsody of Realities  April 29, 2007
--Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

Thursday, August 9, 2012

It's A New Day!

My sister, Stacey, called me yesterday with a message for God's people. I asked her to write it so I could deliver to you. Below is the message. 

A prophetic Word: It’s A New Day
It is said that the darkest hour comes before dawn. On August 7th, 2012, Eve of my New Day,  I tried very hard to stay awake. I twisted and turned trying to keep my eyes open. The spirit of fear and torment plagued me. I softly muttered the Word of God, not wanting my husband to hear my battle with the enemy. Then at last fell I asleep. Early in the morning, about 4am, I was in the Word when the Lord spoke: your plague Is Over! Plague of torment, fear, confusion; It Is Over!  

The Lord told me, I will plague them that plague you. I will fight against them that fight against you. You see the king of Moab, Balak, warred against the children of Israel and sent for Balaam to curse them, but God says,  I would not hearken unto Balaam. Therefore He blessed them still, and delivered them out of Balak’s hand (Joshua 24:9).  Beloved, if this Word is ministering to you, it is yours. The enemy cannot curse you because God will not hearken unto his petition, Isaiah 8:10 “Take counsel together and it shall come to nought; speak the Word, and it shall not stand: for God is with us.” He has delivered you out of the enemy’s hand. The Lord has blessed you. Rest.

Later I was praying in the Spirit and the Lord spoke again in my spirit; It’s a New Day! I asked the Lord what He means “It’s A New Day”? And He told me: your night season of weeping Is over!  Friends, let us talk about your night season: it was DARK. Darkness means confusion, no direction, therefore hopelessness; always fearing the unknown. My sister/brother take your night clothes off and dress for your NEW DAY, put on the garments of praise , dress in victory, thanksgiving and laughter. Dance before the Lord, dance before the Lord,  because this is A NEW DAY!

He further pointed out to me that today is the eighth (8th )  day of the eighth (8th) month which means new beginnings. New beginnings means, my friend, to start; to initiate; to create; to invent; a new start. Something new is about to happen to you.  As it is written: Isaiah 64:4; “For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waits for him.”   

It is a New Day my friend, the enemy has plagued you long enough. It is over! You have been plagued with confusion, fear, hopelessness, anxiety, sickness, debts and all the fiery darts which the enemy have thrown at you; But the Lord told me to tell His people it is a New Day!  

In the beginning the earth was without form and void, that might be what your life looks like now, but speak like your Creator into your own life and situation; has he not said ye are gods?  Do like your master and create things into your own life, nation, and generation. Live by your confession! He says, let there be light and there was light! Fill your new day with let there be( s). He has given you the authority and dominion to rule and reign in your New Day. You are no longer in bondage. You are no longer a slave to your night season. You now have light; walk in it. You are free.

Your New Day brings purpose like Hadassah, who is called Esther; one who is elected, selected and appointed. Called to the kingdom for such a time as this. Sent by God to go before Kings and leaders. Esther, you carry nations’ deliverance in your womb. You change courses and seasons. Leaving an indelible mark in the history of a nation. Esther, you are a heroine. Step into your New Day and obey the voice of God.  Like Esther, say ,“if I perish I perish, but INDEED I must see the king!”    

Beloved, your new day brings light which is direction; Isaiah 60:1 ARISE, SHINE; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. Make your request known unto God. Speak into your New Day and declare what you want it to be. It is a blank cheque!

Make your petition known unto the Lord like Hanna who had her New Day of being pregnant with the prophet Samuel, and Zaharias, John the Baptist’s father, who had his New Day with the announcement of his son’s birth. Their night season of mockery, ridicule, scorn and barrenness was over! They became fruitful;  able to produce. Step into your Canaan land. A land of fruitfulness; eating without scarcity which means no Lack, a land fill with joy and plenty. Enjoying homes that you did not build and occupying vineyards that you did not plant. In other Words, acquiring successful businesses that you did not start, reaping from its profits.  Enter into your rest and abide in His peace from your night season of hardship; this is your Canaan land.

Beloved, this is your hour for the glory of God to be seen in your life and family. David, come forth from the field and take your throne. Moses, come forth from your hiding and deliver my people. Daniel, come forth out of the Lion’s den. Three Hebrew boys, come out of the fire. Lazarus, come out of the grave and live. Paul and Silas, come out of prison and preach the gospel. Children of God, come out of the wilderness and go into Canaan land! It’s A New Day!

-Stacey Lee Thomas August 8, 2012

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Walk In The Light

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin (1 John 1:7).

The Word of God is Light (Psalm 119:105), and the Scripture tells us to walk in the light as God is in the light. In other words, we're to walk under the same light in which God dwells and functions. This means we're to walk in His Word. The people of the world can't understand that light since they're not born into that realm of life. But we can walk in the light and have fellowship with God, because we're born of the Word (1 Peter 1:23).

Walking in the light as God is in the light means your judgments and opinions are based on the light of God's Word. Under that light you don't see poverty, sickness, disease, death, failure or impossibilities. When you agree with what the Word says about you, and then confess it and act that way, you're walking in God's light. God has given you His Word to light up your path, so there wouldn't be darkness or uncertainties as you journey through life. 

The Bible lets us know that when you walk in the light, the blood of Jesus Christ automatically cleanses you from all sin. The world around us is full of sin: the newspapers, films, people and even the very air we breathe are defiled and God knows it. Then often times, we do things that are wrong without knowing, but thanks be unto God! He says when you walk in the light, you won't need to keep asking yourself, "What sin have I committed today?" The blood of Jesus Christ  cleanses you automatically!

Learn to walk in the light as He is in the light. That way, you'll never be weighed down  by the burden or yoke of sin; instead, you'll be free to serve God and run the faith race without hindrances.

Dear Father, your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I walk in the reality of your Word today, and as I do, I'm guided in the path of prosperity, victory and excellence! There's no darkness or uncertainties on my path because I walk in the light of God's Word.

Rhapsody of Realities    September 11, 2007
-Pastor  Anita Oyakhilome